
Unity Projects

Project:14 Rotate&Match

GamePlay Video

Project:13 Bricks&Bombs

The main logic is destroying all bricks at the level, by bombs which are located by user. There is no visual explosion except indicating all bricks with green tick logos, if the placed bombs are able to destroy all located bricks.

At every level user has certain amount of bombs to locate and this amount is equal to minimum required amount of bombs for destroying that level’s all bricks + 2. If user spends all bombs for passing the level, it gets 1 star, if he lefts 1 bomb extra at the end of level, it gets 2 stars and it gets 3 stars if 2 bombs left at the end of level. Number of minimum bombs for the level that user selected to play, is being calculated at runtime by an algorithm that I wrote.

At every 5 level, it is being calculated that if the average of total earned stars by previous levels are equal to 2 or not. If it does not, then level is not being opened and user has to replay previous levels and increase its total earned stars.

GamePlay Video

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Project:12 Shuffe Escape

Two robber characters are led on the road, which consists of two parallel platforms. The camera is looking forward from the back. Two characters who committed a bank robbery and escaped from the roof are driving down the road with bags full of money in their laps. Between parallel platforms, only bags can slide left and right, and the characters try to protect the bags that they already collected, by sending them to each other throughout the level.

This was final project of Hyper Casual Mobile Game Development Bootcamp, held by Rollic Games. We worked on this project as a team of 2 artists and 2 developers. Build the idea of game together as a team, and merged two game mechanics which have demonstraded succes, ShortCut Run of Voodoo and Shuffle Master of Rollic. The project was really satisfying for all of us from all aspects and we all enjoyed a lot during building it. It took aproximately one month for us to to finalize it, from ideation to playable 3 levels.

GamePlay Video

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Project:11 PILE IT 3D

Pile It 3D is game of Supersonic Studios with a demonstrated success. This game is based on Pile It 3D’s game mechanic with different assets. The main logic, placing cars to the park spots with respected to their colors. If colors of car and its final spot does not match, player fails. If player succeeds to place all cars, respected to colors of park spots, then level is accomplished. Player opens gates of waiting cars by below yellow&purple buttons and released car goes straight until it finds the deepest empty slot.

GamePlay Video

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Project:10 Space Invaders 2D

Clone of space invaders game, main mechanic and gameplay implemented and done, it is possible to play a level and win it or game over.

Current version in a nutshell:

-Player movement is being controlled by mouse whereas the shoot behaviour of player is being controlled by space key

-Player is allowed to shoot one projectile at a time, until its fired projectile collides somewhere, it is not allowed to fire a new one

-invaders send missile continously, based on a random interval

-While the total alive amount of invaders are decreasing, their speed increasing

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Project:9 GameJam- Piggy-Rush 3D

Gamejam is arranged by the bootcamp of & Rollic games and the main theme was designing&implementing of a games of chance.

As a team, which consists of 2 artist and 2 developers we built it in 5-7 days. We tried to implement a spin-off of the Wish You Luck game of Rollic Games and changeed theme in a smoother way. The main mechanic is as following: piggy is being controlled by slide mechanics and as long as we collect coins, scale of the pig is being increased, if the piggy collides with hammer, it lose coins and its scale decreases. At the end of level game asks player to tap for collecting coins which it already collected, at every tap hammer hits to piggy and player gains the coins that it collected during the level.

Screen shots from game are as following;







Project 8: Flappy Bird 2D

The game written over 2D template of Unity. As external package, DoTween used and required sprites (pipes,bird,clouds etc.) are provided by a flappy bird package.

Jump of bird is being controlled by the space key. There are 3 levels on the game, difficulty of first and second can be classified between easy-med whereas third level is a bit harder.

Only difference from the real game is some pipes are rotating on their own spheres.



Project 7: Walking Shooter 3D

This project can not be classified as finished game but it is a trial for myself. I used some new mechanics and features that I have not experienced before.

I used New Unity Input System and a brand new Third Person Character Controller Package. In this project a character walks through the area which it exists by W-A-S-D controllers, runs when pressed shift and jumps with space, aims with right click and shoots with left click.



Project 6: Tower Defence 2D

In this project, I tried to develop a similar game to Rooster Defense game which is a famous tower defence game. As a skeleton I watched and finished the Udemy course and then changed lots of things to make it similar to Rooster Defense game. Since it is a 2D game which covers the screen, below screenshots are wide and not in classical mobile game resolution.

The game mechanics are as following:

At the end of every wave, enemy’s initial healths , spawning a new turret cost and earning per kill to player(relatively small increase ), are being increased. If the wave can not be completed, game reload the same wave. Turrets are permanent and being saved with their levels and locations. When game is exitted and started again, previous game’s turrets are being loaded at saved locations with saved amount of coins. Also There is a delete Player Prefs button at the game, if its pressed, all saved player prefs are being resetted and game is being restarted. In the turret upgrade operation, whenever user selectes a turret by mouse, a pop-up emerges with options of Destroy/Upgrade if upgrade is being selected then it is being checked if any possible match exists with same type of turret, if it exists then selected one upgraded at the same node whereas other one is destroyed.

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Project 5: StackyDash Clone 3D

In this project, I tried to make a clone of StackyDash mobile game which is avaliable in Ios and Android. I implemented 3 levels and game mechanics. Also I used a free Unity plugin which is called Path Creator for having S-shaped (curve shaped) paths. Most noticable thing about this project is and the projects after this one, previous ones, that I did, had been done when I was actively working in Vestel. Thus I was not able to fully focus on projects so they had lots of bugs. But starting from this one, bugs are minimalized and the codes are much more qualified in compare to previous ones.


Project 4: Shorty Climb Clone 3D

Tried to implement clone game of ShortyClimb. Character moves between surfaces and whenever it goes outside of the surface, the carried steps are started to consumed and being instantiated in the locations where user walks. The main logic in moving as following; character is moving ahead by default with a constant velocity and the direction of the character depends on the user mouse input, wherever user drags mouse character goes towards that direction. For implementing this behaviour I found a free joystick package in Unity and embed joystick as GameObject to the scene. Joystick gameobject gets active whenever user click with mouse and deactivated whenever user release the mouse but it never being seen by user (invisible in gameplay but exists in below screenshots). But going back movement is not stabilized thus I deactivated it and also the repo exists in my Github as well as the other games, but this one is in private repo.


Project 3: Motorcade Guard Game 3D

3D Traffic Racer type of a game. Bunch of different cars can be selected by the player. Player moves in 9-lined highway with his/her selected car. The main car has 6 guards (hummer type of jeeps) in its around and whenever a car in the traffic collides to the convoy, one guard car is being destroyed. Gets harder in next levels by making highway traffic more crowded. The main skeleton of the game is taken by this playlist and customized then.


Project 2: CubeSurfer 3D

CubeSurfer3D is famous game of Voodoo Studio’s. It is avaliable for both Android and IOS. I had tried to make clone of it. I only implemented 3 levels. For the sake of development, it is not in 9:16 resolutions, it is in 16:9 resolutions, that’s why the below screenshots are seems wide. In the game, the main player may collect the red cubes, and increase its size, may take from coin and increase its stored coin(right up corner), may collide an obstacle and it can lose size with respected to collided object’s size, and also we are able to see the way that player took in the above of screen (180).

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Project 1: Row-match 2D game

Row-match game with 10 levels. Like candy crush but player only gets point if he/she makes same colour all row. For etc. İf all row elements are green then player gets points with respected to its colour and the row locked and that row’s elements become unmoveable. Highest scores are set to 1000 from default and if user finishes the level with a score higher than 1000, then the new level is being opened. Developed and specified the game by watching an Udemy course . All the levels takes places in the same scene with changing width, height etc. configurations.


Other Github Projects

Project 1: AWS-Websocket-Chat-Application

Developed an web-socket real time chat application architecture with AWS Lambda, Websocket API Gateway and DynamoDB. Also nodeJs and Python is used


Project 2: Mask Detection Webcam App

A program, using machine learning, which decides if the person, in webcam’s view, wears a mask or not. Very detailed information is on the link that embedded on the header.


Undergraduate Projects

Group Projects:

Graduation Project

Aimed to create an ampihibious autonomous vehicle, due to Covid-19 it is half finished. I handled with computer vision and CV-Image Processing related algorithms.

Machine Learning Course (CS412)

Used Adaboost, implementing it with Python, in Google Colab. Created a model that assumes if a customer will pay its credit debt in future, used data had 700.000 rows and 60 columns.

Cyber Security Course (CS432)

Cryptographic signatures, encryption, decryption implementations for secure communication between server and multi clients with using C#.

Cryptography Course (CS411)

Implementing digital signature for blockchain transactions, implementing proof of work (POW) and creating blockhain with using elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) with C#.

Software Engineering Course (CS308)

Implementing E-Commerce web-site, dealing with front-end back-end parts, with C#, Vue, Amazon online database.

Internet Protocols Course (CS408)

Implementation of server- multi client connections and other challenging specifications like observing the traffic by server etc, C# used.

Mobile Application Course (CS310)

Android Studio project which was about developing a mobile application to Android Studio. Developed a fitness-diet application.

DBMS Course (CS306)

Developing basic web-site including a relational database, with using Sql, PHP, HTML.

Self Projects:

Operating System Course (CS308):

Developing a desktop program which was about simuliation of an OS, including insturments of OS like cache etc, with using Java.

Physical Computing Course (VA455):

Ardunio and Python involved project, which determines if the person in computer’s vision wears a medical mask or not.

Logic-system Course (CS303):

Self-project by using Xlinx.

Data Science Course (CS210):

About the positive correlation between the World Happiness Index and GDP per capita with usage of python.